Warsaw Argumentation Week, WAW 2018 (6-16 Sept 2018), is a series of events dedicated to a variety of aspects, dimensions and approaches to argumentation. Its aim is to provide a platform for discussion between researchers representing the wide range of disciplines which try to understand this crucial, fascinating, yet extremely difficult communication phenomenon.

The WAW series combines events associated with COMMA (Computational Models of Argument) and ArgDiaP (Argumentation, Dialogue, Persuasion)COMMA gathers a large international academic community interested in computational aspects of argumentation. Originated from the ASPIC project and initiated in 2006 in Liverpool, the COMMA conferences have been organised successfully every two years. Since 2014, COMMA is collocated with the Summer School on Argumentation (SSA) and since 2016 — with themed COMMA workshops. ArgDiaP is a Polish nationwide initiative dedicated to the issues of argumentation, dialogue and persuasion. Established in 2008, ArgDiaP has been continuously providing infrastructure facilitating the networking process and fostering research on argumentation in Poland, including the research of the Polish School of Argumentation. The organisation pursues its goals through several activities such as conferences, workshops, publications and summer schools.


WAW 2018 comprises the following events:

The events include invited talks by prominent experts in an area and welcome contributions for pre- or post-publications. For those interested in the participation in multiple WAW events, we offer the possibility of reductions in registration fees.

Warsaw Argumentation Week is hosted by a number of academic institutions and departments in Warsaw and is coordinated by several researchers from Poland: the Polish School of Argumentation in cooperation with our colleagues from Germany and the UK.

For more information, see here.