 WAW 2018
Warsaw Argumentation Week
(September 15-16, 2018, Warsaw)
September 6-10, 2018
Third Summer School on Argumentation: Computational and Linguistic Perspectives (SSA 2018) is a part of Warsaw Argumentation Week (WAW 2018), and will be held from 6th to 16th September 2018 at the Warsaw University of Technology. WAW 2018 includes COMMA 2018, themed COMMA workshops, and the 16th ArgDiaP conference and workshops with the possibility of reducing registration fees in case of registering to more than one WAW event.It is the third event in the series of Summer Schools on Argumentation, the first Summer School on Argumentation took place at the University of Dundee in 2014 in the UK, the second took place at the University of Postdam in 2016 in Germany. The main aim of SSA 2018 is to provide attendees with a solid foundation in computational and linguistic aspects of argumentation and the emerging connections between the two. Furthermore, attendees will gain experience in using various tools for argument analysis and processing, including hands-on experience and practical tasks for students.

The school is being held in the days before the COMMA conference and will include tutorials from the conference’s invited speakers, as well as other leading academics in argumentation and linguistics. Moreover, we organise the Student Session which will consist of contributed talks (extended abstracts need to be submitted by 4th July), posters and discussions with mentors. The best contributed talk will be awarded a “Best SSA 2018 Paper Award”. There are also some social events scheduled for the duration of SSA 2018. Limited number of grants consisting of a free registration to the summer school are available.

Tutors (the list to be extended)

For more information, see here.