The 14th ArgDiaP Conference
Formal Models of Reasoning and Argumentation”
at the Poznań Reasoning Week
7-8 September 2016, Poznań
Department of Logic and Cognitive Science,
Institute of Psychology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań


In recent years we are witnessing a cognitive turn in logic. It results in inclusion of some areas of cognitive science, psychology and computer science into its hard core. Consequently, logic becomes capable of modelling actual cognitive activity of real life agents. This turn does not create a rival for the mathematical logic: it forms a next step in the development of logic. It also reminds that for many centuries logic stood in a close and natural relationship to the science of actual reasoning processes.

Poznań Reasoning Week, consisting of three conferences, aims at bringing together experts from various fields, whose research focus on reasoning processes and their modelling from three perspectives:

The event take place in Poznań at the Institute of Psychology of the Adam Mickiewicz University and are supported by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

The papers from the 14th ArgDiaP will be peer-reviewed and published as a special issue of the journal Logic and Logical Philosophy.

Special guests

Important dates

  • Submission deadline: 30 June 2016
  • Notification: 22 July 2016
  • Camera ready abstracts: 29 July 2016
  • Conference: 7-8 Sept 2016


We invite you to submit proposals for contributed talks and posters.

  • 2-3 pages extended abstracts (including bibliography).
  • Please use the llncs LaTeX class for abstracts: see template [ZIP]; you can also use the template in Overleaf.
  • Abstracts should contain name of the author (authors), affiliation and e-mail address.
  • Send PDF and TEX file to
  • In the e-mail title please indicate:
    • Title of the submission.
    • The event you want to submit your work to (L&C 2016, 14th ArgDiaP or QuestPro 2016).
    • Contributed talk or Poster

Presentation details:

  • Contributed talks: 30 min. (including discussion).
  • Posters: A1 size in ‘portrait’ orientation.


Authors of the abstracts accepted as presentation or poster are invited to submit their original research for publication in a special issue of Logic and Logical Philosophy. Papers must be in the order of 6,000 to 8,000 words (including references), and must address one or more of the conference themes, whether from an empirical or a more conceptual perspective.

Special issue submissions details will follow soon. Submitted manuscripts will follow the usual review process of the journal.

Fees and Financial Support

The registration fee is 50 EUR. Participants from countries with underfunded academic institutions are invited to apply for a financial support (reduction of the conference fee, travelling costs refund). All correspondence concerning the financial support should be directed to Pawel.Lupkowski (at)

Participation (without a talk or a poster) in the PRW 2016 events is free, however we ask you to register.

More information will be available soon.

Programme Committee

Local Organizing Committee

Full information can be found here.