

Welcome to the webpage of the ArgDiaP association - a Polish nationwide initiative dedicated to the issues of argumentation, dialogue and persuasion. Established in 2008, ArgDiaP has continuously provided infrastructure facilitating the networking process and fostering research on argumentation in Poland, including the research of the Polish School of Argumentation. Initially, ArgDiaP acted as an informal organisation, and on 2nd July 2018 it became a registered association.

The Polish School of Argumentation, which ArgDiaP supports, integrates various disciplines and institutions across Poland, in which scholars are dedicated to understanding the phenomenon of the force of argument. Fifty five authors (Budzynska et al. 2014) declared its Manifesto which sets out the foundations of the School's research programme. 

ArgDiaP pursues its goals through several activities. A strong focus is placed on coordinating events where scholars from different disciplines have an opportunity to exchange ideas. Our flagship event is the series of ArgDiaP meetings that has been organised since 2008 alternating between Polish- and English-language editions. We foster publication initiatives: such as the ArgDiaP series in the SLGR journal, special issues of journals such as Argumentation and Informal Logic, and series of books promoting argumentation theory in Poland. ArgDiaP also coordinates activities in education, such as the IGSAR graduate school, aiming to support the younger generation of Polish researchers.


ArgDiaP Polish Argumentation Paper of the Year Shortlist

Shortlisted Authors for the ArgDiaP Polish Argumentation Paper of the Year Prize  Works published in 2021 Frank Zenker (Waraw University […]

CFP: Logos – Ethos – Pathos. Rhetoric and Argumentation

Call for papers: “Logos – Ethos – Pathos. Rhetoric and Argumentation” Organised by the ArgDiaP association and the Polish Rhetoric […]

ArgDiaP Statement on the Crisis in Ukraine

The ArgDiaP steering committee wishes to express its support for the people of Ukraine and to condemn the indiscriminate aggression […]

Debating workshop

During the 17th ARGDIAP conference Polish Debating Foundation conducted an online workshop Introduction to debating skills designed especially for participants […]

ArgDiaP Association

The steering committee (SC) of the ArgDiaP association comprises five functions: chair, deputy chair, secretary & finance officer, coordinator, and liaison officer.

The chair and deputy chair are responsible for creating the long-term vision and strategy of ArgDiaP as an organisation which aims to successfully support the argumentation community in Poland. The role of secretary & finance officer is to assist with financial arrangements (related e.g. with the organisation of the ArgDiaP workshops) and to facilitate administrative processes. The coordinator is responsible for the management of the association ensuring efficient communication between SC and each of the ArgDiaP departments. The liaison officer fosters networking processes within Poland and internationally.
The activities of the ArgDiaP association are coordinated by four departments: science, communication, undergraduate studies and graduate studies.

The science department is responsible for supporting the best practices and standards in research on argumentation in Poland. The communication department aims to manage the efficient exchange of ideas amongst the ArgDiaP association and the Polish and international community, and maintains the ArgDiaP website. There are two departments responsible for supporting the younger generation of Polish scholars at both undergraduate and graduate level.
The ArgDiaP organisation (currently: the ArgDiaP association) was initiated by Katarzyna Budzynska and Magdalena Kacprzak in 2008. The initiative was a response to a need for the infrastructure which could facilitate the networking process of growing argumentation community in Poland. The first activity was the Polish-language ArgDiaP meeting held on 13th December 2008 in Warsaw. The event attracted many researchers which encouraged Budzynska and Kacprzak to continue their efforts. Since then, not only more ArgDiaP workshops has been organised, but also many other activities has been launched such as special issues of the SLGR journal or IGSAR graduate schools. ArgDiaP became the platform for communication and integration of argumentation researchers in Poland what eventually led to the establishment of the nation-wide research movement of the Polish School of Argumentation.

Current SC 2020-2022

Marcin Koszowy

Marcin Koszowy

Warsaw University of Technology
Martin Hinton

Martin Hinton

Deputy Chair
University of Łódź
Tomasz Żurek

Tomasz Żurek

Secretary & Finance Officer
Maria Curie Sklodowska University, Lublin
Marcin Selinger

Marcin Selinger

University of Wrocław
Michał Araszkiewicz

Michał Araszkiewicz

Liaison Officer
Jagiellonian University, Krakow

Current Dept 2020-2022

Magdalena Kacprzak

Magdalena Kacprzak

Science Dept
Bialystok University of Technology
Piotr Kulicki

Piotr Kulicki

Science Dept
John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Kamila Dębowska-Kozłowska

Kamila Dębowska-Kozłowska

Communication Dept
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan
Bartłomiej Skowron

Bartłomiej Skowron

Undergraduate Studies Dept
Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw
Michał Federowicz

Michał Federowicz

Undergraduate Studies Dept
Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish National Academy of Science
Paweł Łupkowski

Paweł Łupkowski

Graduate Studies Dept
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan
Mariusz Urbański

Mariusz Urbański

Graduate Studies Dept
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan


Katarzyna Budzynska

Katarzyna Budzynska

Magdalena Kacprzak

Magdalena Kacprzak

Honorary Members

Chris Reed

Chris Reed

Frans H. van Eemeren

Frans H. van Eemeren

Leo Groarke

Leo Groarke


The ArgDiaP association coordinates events where scholars from various disciplines have an opportunity to exchange ideas. Our flagship events are the ArgDiaP meetings that have been organised since 2008 alternatetly as Polish- and English-language editions. In 2014, ArgDiaP supported the initiation of the workshop on methodologies for research on legal argumentation.
  • ArgDiaP workshops: organised since 2008
  • MET-ARG: International Workshop for Methodologies for Research on Legal Argumentation, since 2014

Publishing Initiatives

ArgDiaP coordinates several publication initiatives in order to popularise the contemporary argumentation theory in Poland, as well as the Polish research on argumentation amongst international community.


The ArgDiaP association aims to support education of the young generation of Polish researchers. Currently, we organise a graduate school IGSAR which precedes the ArgDiaP meetings and SSA 2018 which precedes COMMA 2018 conference.


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