Marcin Koszowy (2011, Ed.)
Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric (De Gruyter), vol. 23(36)

This journal issue intends to give a representative sample of key strands of an inquiry into the intersection between argumentation theory and computer science. The papers of the volume discuss: (i) the state of the art of inquiry into the overlap between argumentation theory and computer science; (ii) the applications of the systems of logic in building tools for argument analysis and evaluation; (iii) the implementation of argumentation systems (such as Carneades) in the study of Artificial Intelligence; (iv) the implementation of the Argument Interchange Format as an instrument providing a universal language that allows computer scientists to unify various approaches to argument; (v) the tools (such as model checker Perseus) for measuring the quality of persuasion dialogs.

The journal SLGR is published under the auspices of the Polish Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science, and is one of Poland’s top philosophy journals with an international profile and indexed on lists such as Scopus, ERIH and IndexCopernicus. The unique profile of Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric lies in exploiting the three classical fields of the medieval trivium in the studies of communication. The journal was founded in 1980 by Witold Marciszewski – the logician and philosopher whose research is deeply rooted in the tradition of the Lvov-Warsaw School. Since 1980, SLGR has published 51 volumes. The SLGR journal is published under the Open Access policy, so all the papers can be downloaded for free.

Table of contents