13th ArgDiaP Conference

The Force of Argument: Reason, Belief, Consensus” (the Polish edition)
20-21 November 2015
University of Wrocław
pl. Nankiera 15, Nehringa Room (Faculty of Polish Philology)



The meeting is dedicated to the central topic of the Polish School of Argumentation: the force of argument. Apart from the regular talks which will study different aspects of this issue, we organise special panel discussion on Friday afternoon during which we will discuss about what constitutes a good argument and whether it influences its force. The discussion will be initiated by the presentation of the results of a survey coordinated by Krzysztof Szymanek amongst the members of the Polish School of Argumentation. The conference will be proceeded by the 3rd graduate school IGSAR.

The conference is organised by the Department of Logic and Methodology of Sciences, University of Wrocław, the Institute of Polish Philology, University of Wrocław, the Department of Theory and Philosophy of Law, University of Wrocław, and the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, and Arete Foundation.

The peer-reviewed papers (in Polish) from 13th ArgDiaP will be published as a special issue of the journal Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa (Problems of the Science of Science – Quarterly) (Marcin Selinger, Bartłomiej Skowron, Eds.; vol. 3, 2016; Committee of Science of Science of the Polish National Academy of Sciences).


   Invited speakers:
   Programme Committee:
    Organizing Committee:


More information can be found on the Polish language version of this page.